04 News · 12 Corruption of Government · 18 Corruption in the Finance Markets

Lost Titanic sub?

🍿 “17 Bolts”… 17. AGAIN.

And this is how you can know that this entire narrative is a White Hat planted story.

It’s not a real story IMO folks. And once again, as I’ve said a MILLION times, the white hats always give you breadcrumbs, usually in the form of a giant “17” in the headline or in a major statistic.

Besides the obvious 17 drop, the fact that every normie I know is talking about this Titanic story is a major clue that it was planted in public consciousness by the media that we know is controlled by the White Hats.

And why you ask?

Well, we all know that the Federal Reserve is about to (Publicly) go down in spectacular fashion. As we move through this process into full disclosure, the public will need to learn the truth about one of the biggest stories of the 20th Century, the sinking of the Titanic — the fact that it was the first major false flag of the modern era and was done to clear the way for the implementation of the Federal Reserve.

It’s a very significant truth that everyone must soon learn.

IMO, this is just more White Hat predictive programming.



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