04 News · 16 Corruption in Voting/January 6

Yes the 2020 election was rigged!

Tucker Carlson Activated! – The 2020 Election was Rigged!

“They’re sending people to prison for saying the last election was rigged, which it was!

Oh, how can you say the last election was rigged?

Well, when the country’s’ largest law enforcement organization, the FBI actively works on behalf of one political party, and when the CIA does the same…..> you can’t have a fair election.…>

If some tech oligarch spent nearly half a billion dollars to control the mechanics of the Bolivian election in 2020, we would say it’s not a legitimate election, but when Mark Zuckerberg does it in the United States, oh he’s just “helping” with Covid.”


No doubt in my mind that Tucker Carlson was SET FREE to help with disclosure and to wake people up.

We are in an operation RIGHT NOW to wake people the hell up.

The great awakening of the public is setting the stage for what happens next. To justify what happens next.

Stay strong Fam.

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