04 News · 07 Great Awakening · 10 Pertinent Terms/Strategies

ESG scores losing!!!

It's happening.  It's finally happening.  "Woke" is eating itself alive. There's a monumental shift happening in America right now - and it could have a fundamental impact on the US economy.  Good. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/nssf-the-tide-is-turning-against-woke-capitalism/

10 Pertinent Terms/Strategies · 11 Devolution · 21 Other Interesting Topics


Devolution                              April 2022                                                                            By Debbie Johnson In this issue I want to talk about the concept of devolution.   Many people may immediately conclude that I may be crazy because Trump will not be back.  Afterall it’s been well over a year – so when will I give up?   I’m going to list out some of… Continue reading Devolution

10 Pertinent Terms/Strategies

Controlled Opposition

Controlled Opposition             February 2022                                                                                   By Debbie Johnson  In past columns I have introduced concepts very new to most of us including me.  Starting with the idea of critical theory, cognitive dissonance, mass formation psychosis and in this column I will be introducing the concept of Controlled Opposition. As the Covid narrative continues to collapse and Biden’s… Continue reading Controlled Opposition

06 Daily Thoughts/opinions · 10 Pertinent Terms/Strategies · 21 Other Interesting Topics

Conspiracy Theory?

When is a conspiracy theory no longer a theory?                        January 2022                           By Debbie Johnson  I spend a significant amount of time trying to dig out truth in our world.  It’s been overwhelming at times.   I started in the summer of 2020 to be more aware that not everything is as it appears.   I have only… Continue reading Conspiracy Theory?

10 Pertinent Terms/Strategies · 12 Corruption of Government · 19 Corruption in Education · 20 Crimes against Humanity

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Social Emotional Learning Continued                                                                           By Debbie Johnson Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and all of it’s permutations are part of a national movement that has been brewing for decades but found solid start in 1994 with the formation of  the Collaborative for Academic, Social and emotional Learning (CASEL).   The diagram illustrates their history from their web… Continue reading Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

10 Pertinent Terms/Strategies · 12 Corruption of Government · 19 Corruption in Education · 20 Crimes against Humanity

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Social Emotional Learning, etc.                                                                       By Debbie Johnson November 2021 The elections are over and while I did not win I can take pride in my effort to alert citizens to what is happening to the children in our schools.   I can also take pride in motivating just a few more people to vote to save… Continue reading Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

07 Great Awakening · 10 Pertinent Terms/Strategies

Parallel Polis

Strength in Numbers and Parallel Polis                                                         By Debra Marie Johnson November 2021 There is strength in numbers and strength in TRUTH!  Some recent examples of the tide turning in our country is the work of Matt Walsh – he has a great chat on Telegram but you can find him in other places also.   He… Continue reading Parallel Polis

10 Pertinent Terms/Strategies

The Overton Window

The Overton Window and the “new normal”   By Debra Marie Johnson Sept 2021 Previous columns covered a small portion of the corruption creeping into our society. Critical Race Theory and how it has infiltrated Government and Education The obtuse language of critical theory and how it hides in plain sight Censorship of alternative thought on… Continue reading The Overton Window

10 Pertinent Terms/Strategies · 12 Corruption of Government · 19 Corruption in Education

CRT Language

Third article - by Debbie Johnson “Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education.” – Martin Luther King First let’s summarize the first two installments of this column.  The first column talked about what this newly public concept of Critical Theory is; it’s connections to Marxism, the beliefs Critical Race Theory espouses, and… Continue reading CRT Language